PNG – James W.


(See Note at the end of this article for how I entered this post)

This is an acronym, so I looked up the list of PNG acronyms. There were 135 listed but some were duplicates. Do you know what the acronym DNA stands for? National Dyslexic Association. I say this because the first on the list alphabetically was Galactic Planetary Nebula, but it is strictly Planetary Nebula, Galactic. Down the bottom of the list it was the airport code for Santos Dumont Airport in Paranaguá, Paraná, Brazil.

There is the Professional Numismatists Guild in USA, but I don’t have anything from them.

The most obvious for numismatics is Papua and New Guinea, or in various foreign languages, Papua Noua Guinee, Papúa Nueva Guinea or Papua Nuova Guinea.

So I have some items from Brazil and Papua New Guinea.


Cruzeiro refers to the Southern Cross. The First Cruzeiro was from 1942 to 1967. The Second Cruzeiro was from 1970 to 1986. This period covers the first 4 of my notes. It was required because of inflation.

1 Cruzeiro, 1975-79, front: Liberty Head, back: Banco Central building; 1970 ND Issue

50 Cruzeiros over-stamped on 50 Cinquenta Cruzados Novos, 1980, front: C. Drummond de Andrade, back: him writing poetry; 1990 ND Provisional Issue

500 Quinhentos Cruzados, 1987, front: birth centennial of H Villa-Lobos, back: him conducting; 1986 ND Commemorative Issue

1 Cruzado Novo over-stamped on 1000 Mil Cruzados, 1989, front: J Muchado, back: street scene from old Rio de Janeiro, 1989 ND Provisional Issue.

The Third Cruzeiro was from 1990 to 1993. Again because of Inflation. This period is covered bu my last note.

5000 Cinco Mil Cruzeiros, 1993, front: C Gomes and youths, back: statue of him next to grand piano; 1990-93 ND Regular Issue

These notes were replaced by the Real.

Territory of New Guinea 1920-1975

1 Shilling, 1935, 1936,1938,1945, front: Crown above a central hole; below, two crossed scepters and a native ornament, the legend of the monarch: GEORGIUS V. D G REX ET IND. IMP.; below, a six-pointed star. In tiny letters divided by the star, the designer’s initials KG (for George Kruger Gray), back: Native motifs forming a cross around central hole; legend, TERRITORY OF NEW GUINEA ONE SHILLING and the date.

Papua New Guinea

1 Toea, 1976, front: Paradise bird, back: Wing butterfly; British Administration (Copper image doesn’t show detail)

2 Toea, 1976, front: Paradise bird, back: Cod; British Administration (Copper image doesn’t show detail)

20 Toea, 1995, front: Paradise bird, back: Bennett’s cassowary; British Administration

50 Toea, 1991, front: Paradise bird, back: 9th South Pacific Games; British Administration

1 Kina 1995, front: National Emblem, back: Sea & river crocodiles South Pacific Games; British Administration


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